Monday, October 17, 2011

What's there in an award?

Awards the very name conjures up images of glittering trophies, cups and a horde of other mementos.  With the Oscar and the Grammy awards being a craze with everybody, not to speak of our ‘desi’ versions hogging the limelight, awards do seem to be the in-thing.
I, however, being a mediocre student throughout my career could never be among the ‘lucky’ ones, to receive the awards and the ‘booty’ associated with it.  Mind you everyone eyes this booty with ‘thirsty eyes’, as to what the big boxes (wrapped most temptingly) might be holding in store for the lucky ones.  The secret kept me not only mystified, but also at my wit’s end till recently, when I had the occasion to let the mystery unfold before me from close quarters.  It so transpired that one of my close friends happened to be honoured with an award.  This no doubt gladdened our hearts no end.  The entire friends circle (including the near and dear ones) decided to be present in full strength.  We all waited with bated breath for the ‘hour of reckoning’ to manifest itself in its full glory.
The actual award presentation passed off with the usual fanfare and accolades normally associated with it, with the attention being automatically riveted to the ubiquitously temptingly wrapped boxes.  The situation resembled the climax of a thriller.  It was just like lifting the lid off the mystery.  However, in the presence of the select gathering, the act would have appeared to be out of tune with the laid down decorum and the minimum expected levels of etiquette, that one is expected to follow.  Hence, the mystery continued to be under wraps, as the wait continued to be as agonising as ever.
The box opening ceremony however, gave a ‘twist’ to the many ‘Olivers’ who had been entertaining any ‘Great Expectations’ on the contents of the box.  The box was opened – and lo behold!!! We all let out screams of disbelief and surprise and could scarcely believe our eyes.  Neatly arranged  in the box were about a score of biscuit packets – of all the things.  Whereas till now, our mouths were dry in anticipation and excitement, now everybody’s mouth was watering.  It was indeed a ‘crunchy’ situation.
What set me thinking were the farsightedness and the sagacity of the highest order on the part of the organisers.  How on earth could they have hit upon such an ingenious idea?  After all, it showed the imagination of the highest class.  It was a pointer to the fact that they definitely must have pre-empted that in throwing a party, when one invites the guests, one can’t ignore them (not guests, but the biscuits I mean).  On the contrary, the biscuits play  a crucial role.  Hats off to the organisers for having saved my friend the needless bother of running to the market and fetching them, when they could be made so readily available.  Could one think of ‘sharing’ one’s award in a more befitting manner?
What was, however, sorely missed was the absence of ‘namkeens’, tea bags, as well as other eatable accessories associated with partying.  With all the kids in the house, toffees and chocolates were also in hot demand.  Probably the organisers could take note of it and possibly implement it in the future.
It also reminds one of  “what’s there in a name”?  Extending the same logic, one might then argue, “what’s there in an award”?  After all, didn’t Krishna say in the Gita, ‘action is thy duty, reward is not thy concern’, be the rewards in the nature of biscuit packets or what ever you have.
So, the next time around we see anyone receiving an award, in huge, temptingly wrapped boxes, we can certainly hazard a guess, as to what the boxes could be containing. As an advertisement jingle for a brand of biscuits in yesteryears went – “hum ko pata hai jee”.  Isn’t it G? 

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